It’s probably been 6 years since I heard my keys jingle.

That’s a lie, I did go for a few days without an Orbitkey, as I handed down my old one for a newer model. The contrast was hard to manage, I avoided picking up my keys because I would hear the sound of metal on metal.

I didn’t think I would be that particular about key jingles, but they’re pretty terrible once you’ve gotten accustomed to silent keys.

Orbitkey Leather

The Design

Orbitkey comes in 5 different types, from classy “Leather” to a sporty “Active”. They all have the same features, a “D” ring attachment for keychains/car keys, a key length body that holds 2-7 keys, and a simple screw mechanism to put it together.

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The “Active” option is the cheapest, at $24.90, with higher class “Leather” option going for $43.50. The pricing is fair for the quality and competitive to other key organizers in the market.


All the extras fit nicely into the Orbitkey, options include: a USB Drive, Bottle Opener, Multi-Tool, Nail Filer & Mirror, and an extra SIM card holder for when you travel.


You gotta stop the jiggle, it’s a tiny lifestyle upgrade that goes a long way. Orbitkey has a nice array of color and style options, with some cool extras that fit within the organizer.

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